Taking into account the experience of the first international conference “Raising Effectiveness of Social Advertising in Russia”, this year it has been planned to reduce the number of Conference sections from four to two leaving Science and Sociology and Creative Section, as well as to give more time for questions and discussion. The Program will include reports on the situation with social advertising in the regions of Russia, new actual sociologic research conducted by lecturers and students of the leading Russian universities (Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow State Institute of International Relations), third sector representatives and social advertising producers (scriptwriters, directors, advertising agencies heads) reports with the analysis of the market of social advertising in Russia and the problems of creative implementation of social orders.
In the afternoon there will be a series of master classes for media and third sector representatives devoted to the process of production and placement of social advertising, to the still burning question of using shock in social advertising, and to the effective experience of international partners. Real life cases provided by foreign and Russian experts will be studied. Phenomenon of adaptation and maladapation of foreign PSAs in the Russian reality will be reviewed. Experience of collaboration between different sectors of the society in relation to social advertising, acquired during the fulfilled project (experience and models of the Ad Council, leading non-profit organization and activists) will be presented.
We also suggest following suit of the first conference and organizing Award of the Coalition “For the Contribution in Social Advertising” to mark the most active representatives of mass media, governmental structures and business community. An exclusive video show is planned to finalize the Conference. The total number of visitors expected is over 300 people.
Day 2 of the Conference will be closed for general public, with experts and media participating only by invitation. During Day 2 it is planned to have a round table discussion, which will be a meeting place of high profile for the key players of the process of development and strengthening of social advertising in Russia, and will attract attention of mass media and state persons in charge of decision-making.
Topic: Innovation formats of social advertising in modern mass media.
Round table discussion basis:
For the past two years dashing changes take place in the modern communications in Russia. New media emerge, which became new type of communications and new alternative means of mass information influence. They differ from traditional media of radio and TV in the quality and the methods. With emergence of the Internet not only a new sub-species of communication appeared, but also new opportunities inherent to the Internet world. The name for this new phenomenon is social media, including blogs, social networks and live journals. Social advertising received new qualitative opportunities in the context of social media and became the most effective instrument of forming the public opinion.
Opportunities of social advertising in the context of modern media, its sphere of influence through the Internet, feedback, which it gathers – all these are burning topics for discussion at the round table, which can become a beacon for experts in mass media in their professional work with social advertising and raise them to a higher professional level.
Content for the round table:
- Modern media – what does this notion cover? Alongside with traditional electronic mass media – television and radio – a new sub-species of communication has appeared in the Internet in the past two years, namely, social media, which have become a powerful instrument of influence and formation of public opinion.
- The difference of social media from traditional media lies in the fact that communication in this case is double-sided, it is communication with feedback, which arouses a much bigger interest and trust to the leaders of social communications.
- Who are the leaders of social media? They are the most popular bloggers, live journal writers, hosts and moderators of topic and problem oriented blogs. The more interesting their statements are, the more sincerely and precisely they talk about the discussed issue or event, the quicker and further the information spreads in the Internet. One of the most popular bloggers is, for example, Irina Yasina (candidate of economic sciences, member of the President’s Council on the development of civil society institutions and human rights, the Head of Regional Journalism Club).
- The mechanism of forming public opinion in blogosphere – and it is most important for the promotion of social advertising – is different in that the trust to the expert is much higher. A person speaks out not seeking fame, but for the sake of sharing the content of his or her personal statement.
- The phenomenon of social media lies in the fact that information in blogosphere, which disseminates momentously in the Internet, becomes the source of quick response of the traditional media. Information about an event or a video clip from the site are often broadcast on TV from the blogosphere.
- There is one more important role of social media, that is relieving social tension. Thanks to blogosphere one can share what’s on his or her mind and get feedback on the problem that can’t be solved in isolation and is not supported and covered by the traditional mass media. Therefore, we look at the process of formation of live, acute and burning topics and quick response similar to the mechanism of work of social advertising.
- Social advertising acquires a completely different, qualitative scale of influence through social media. Video clip of the campaign “This Simple!” is an example.
The round table discussion will be recorded on video as well as aired, including live stand-ups (telebridges) with experts from other regions of Russia and other countries. Based on the results of the round table, Resolution will be prepared summing up the discussion and core agreements of the participants. Partners of the discussion will be representatives of the Coalition, Higher School of Journalism, Ministry of Economic Development, leading advertising and public relations Associations, Council of Europe, and others.
The event will be held in this format for the first time.